BB’s Bagels: Worth the Schlep

Weekends equal bagels in our book (call us old school for still eating carbs and gluten), but Atlanta definitely has a shortage of authentic New York-style belly bombs. We therefore decided to schlep deep into Alpharetta territory to BB’s Bagels for what might be, hands-down, the most perfect bagel in Atlanta: perfectly kettle-boiled and baked, crispy on the outside, and chewy on the inside.


Lines are virtually out the door on the weekends (both for counter service and for a table). Bins of these delicious beauties and heaps of cream cheese reminiscent of Italian gelato shops will stop you in your tracks. Ignore amateurs ordering up fruit-filled bagels topped with even fruitier spreads, and stick to the classics: ET (everything), Poppy, and Sesame with a good smear of scallion cream  cheese. Top it off with some lox and you won’t even think twice about the gas you burned just for breakfast!

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Lox and Bagel

770 McFarland Parkway
(Off GA 400, Exit 12)
Alpharetta, GA 30004

BB's Bagels on Urbanspoon

One thought on “BB’s Bagels: Worth the Schlep

  1. yum! will have to try it! have you tried Brooklyn Water Bagels yet? It’s on Aker’s Mill near Cobb energy. I worked over there and somehow never got around to trying it out…

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